Jaime Luján, vice-president of AIST Mexico chapter, said that what the International Congress and Industry Exhibition (CONAC) brings is the participation of experts, to have a discussion on how to improve things in steel issues in Mexico.
"If we review what it represents, more than 672,000 direct and indirect jobs come from this sector, if we translate that, we are talking that practically 1.6% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) comes from our sector, 5.5% of the industrial GDP and 9.7% of the manufacturing GDP.
The sector has been very important because in the last 15 years investments have been made for 20,000 million dollars, and if quantified per year, these would be investments of 1.3 million dollars per year.
The vice-president of AIST Mexico chapter, said that this year the total steel production will reach 19.5 million tons, for consumption and for export. "Mexico exports 3 to 5 million tons, this year we expect to close at 4.9 million tons, we export pipe, galvanized flat steel, rod, wire rod, really because of the importance of producers and consumers, our products are also required in other parts of the world".
According to Canacero figures, although between 2021 and 2022 there was a growth of 8.5%, it is expected that in the following years the growth rate will be .2%, and an upward momentum is expected based on what it represents for the sector. One of the challenges is to protect it against imports, and to bet more on production and domestic consumption, he concluded.