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TEMSA takes a big step towards sustainability with its solar panel installation

TEMSA, the renowned company dedicated to the manufacture, design and assembly of steel structures, has taken an important leap towards sustainability by inaugurating its new solar panel installation at its production plant. Thanks to this innovative initiative, TEMSA's factory is now fully sustainable and is significantly reducing its carbon footprint.

The decision to implement solar panels at the production plant is part of TEMSA's strong commitment to the environment and corporate social responsibility. The solar panels generate clean, renewable energy, allowing TEMSA to operate its activities in a more environmentally friendly manner and reduce its dependence on conventional energy sources.

The installation of the solar panels has not only resulted in a notable reduction in carbon emissions, but is also generating significant savings in energy costs for the company. This energy efficiency will further improve TEMSA's competitiveness in the marketplace and enable it to offer structural steel products with an additional advantage: they are produced in a sustainable manner.

With this important action, TEMSA joins the growing list of companies committed to the fight against climate change and the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable future. The company is proud to have reached this milestone and expects to continue to be a benchmark in the industry for its leadership in sustainability issues.

The installation of solar panels at TEMSA's factory marks a new chapter in the company's history, where innovation and environmental responsibility come together to build a better world.

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